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Look Ahead: July 17, 2022

Writer's picture: Drake CaudillDrake Caudill

Time is ticking away . . . .

In his book titled "The Fellowship of the Ring", J.R.R. Tolkien wrote, "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." Twenty-four hours are given to us each day. How do you use the time you've been given? Due to the magnitude of to-do lists, there are many who would like to have a few additional hours added to their day. However, there are others who misused their time in the past and would like to go back and reuse their time differently.

In our journey through Ephesians, Paul has just finished instructing children of God to live as children of the Light. In the passage we will examine this Sunday at First Baptist Church of Carmi, Paul will instruct followers of Christ to examine our Christian walk and "make the best use of our time."

So, make the best use of your time this Sunday and join us at First Baptist Church of Carmi (or your own home church) as we gather to celebrate God, give thanks for His goodness, and worship His majesty! Sunday School begins at 9:00AM and our worship gathering begins at 10:10AM.

We hope to see you Sunday!

Sermon Title: Time Is Ticking Away

Valley of Vision Prayer: Lord's Day Worship

Worship Time: Sunday Worship 10:10 A.M. CST

Radio Station: 1460 AM; 93.3 FM Broadcast time from 9AM-10AM each Sunday.

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