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Look Ahead: June 12, 2022

It starts as a child: “Don’t take the cookie from the cookie jar!” Obviously, the child will sneak and try to take a cookie from the cookie jar.

Try telling a teenager to limit their daily screen time this summer to one hour and what will happen? You may face a revolt in your own home!

Do adults have this problem? Do adults like to be told what they can and cannot do? Yes, we face the same problem as adults. If you go to the doctor and the doctor tells you, “You need to start exercising, cut out sweets, and drink more water.” How will you respond?

These are just silly examples but the truth is - we don’t like being told what we can or cannot do.

This Sunday at First Baptist Church of Carmi, we will examine a list of things we are commanded to "do and not do" as Christians. The list is not suggestions or recommendations, rather they are commands!

So join us this Sunday as we continue our journey through Ephesians. Use the guide below to prepare your heart for worship.

Sermon Title: Different Living for Today Valley of Vision Prayer: Lord's Day Worship Worship Time: Sunday Worship 10:10 A.M. CST Live Stream Link:

Radio Station: 1460 AM; 93.3 FM Broadcast time from 9AM-10AM each Sunday.

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